KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Team Puzzle Tournament

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Play/Just for Fun

Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

Feeling cooped up?  Need a little bit of competition?  Sign your team up for the TEAM puzzle tournament.  Teams will consist of 2-4 players--you bring your team but we will need one name and contact information for registration.  

The rules?  The clock begins at 1:00pm, allowing teams three hours to complete the puzzle. The puzzles will stay in the box until the clock begins. First team to finish, wins!  If no one finishes, the pieces left will be counted.  The team with the least amount of pieces on the table wins.  Everyone will have the same puzzle to work with or there may be two puzzles.  If the latter, there will be two winners (one from each puzzle completed).  The puzzles are still being decided upon (what, how many, pieces, etc).  Sorting trays are acceptable and the time will not stop once it has begun. Your team will start and end with the same team members from the beginning of the tournament, you may not swap out team members once the clock has started. 

There are only 16 spots available for your team.  Do not sign up unless you know you will have a team, just one person signs up for all team players. The library will not be assigning teams.  Due to the popularity of this tournament, if you have signed up and can not attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that your spot may be assigned to a team on the wait list.  If you are on the wait list, you will receive notification as soon as a spot opens up.