How to get started
- For the fully virtual experience of tracking books, please check out our new reading tracker at tadl.beanstack.org
- Optional: stop in your local library for stickers at each 100 level as well as prizes at the 500 books and 1000 books levels (remember that repeat books count!).
- If you would like to sign-up virtually and then track on paper, please do the following steps:
- Fill out this 1000 Books form to sign up.
- Print out Reading Logs and mark every time a book is read to your child (repeats count!).
- Optional: stop in to the library for a 1000 Books portfolio and each time you reach a new 100 book level.
- For every 100 books you share together, come to the library to receive a stamp and a sticker along with a 1000 Books folio (we have physical logs at the library, too). You or your child can also write their name on our 1000 Books wall to see their progress.
- When you have finished 500 books, your child will receive a free book to keep. When you have finished 1,000 books, your child will receive a certificate of completion and a book bag. You and your child will also be invited to a celebration held annually in March for our 1,000 Book participants.

In the library
- Visit the Youth Services department to pick up a convenient 1000 Books folio. In it, you will find your first book log, book recommendations, bookmarks, tips, and more. You will keep track of 100 books at a time, marking off each time your child is read to (repeats count!).
- For every 100 books you share together, bring the reading log and your child to the library to receive a stamp and a sticker along with a 1000 Books folder and your next log. You or your child can also write their name on our wall chart to see their progress.
- When you have finished 500 books, your child will receive a free book. When you have finished 1,000 books, your child will receive a certificate of completion and a book bag. You and your child will also be invited to a celebration held annually in March for our 1,000 Book participants.
- It's okay to play favorites! Read the same book as many times as you or your child likes.
- Read books in different languages - we offer LOTE Online (world language picture books) and we have world language books on the shelves.
- Have friends or family members read to your child.
- Bring your child to storytimes at the library (these all count!).
- Don’t let the end goal discourage you.
- 1 book per day X 3 years = 1095 books
- 3 books per day X 1 year = 1095 books
- Have fun! Let your child pick out the books they want read to them.
- Use different voices for different characters. Ask simple questions about the story or the picture. Have your child retell the book to you in their own words. (We have some helpful DIY storytime videos too!).