Do you have an award winning Chili recipe? Want to enter it in our Annual Chili Cook-Off? Our registration is now open! Whether you make it with beans, without, vegetarian, vegan...anything goes. The public, your fellow chili chefs and local firefighters decide what they believe is the best.chili.ever. (Or at least this year). If you are are interested, registration is required by clicking on the Register Now icon below (space is limited):

The Cook-Off is Sunday, October 20 from 1pm-3pm. We ask that participants come around noon to set up. The rules are very easy, simple and streamlined:
Main Dish only---NO accoutrements (Extra cheese, onions, sour cream, etc).
Please have an ingredients list available in case of allergies.
You serve your chili (or someone you appoint).
Bring things to decorate your station but remember you will be sharing a table with another participant.
Crockpot or hot plate/pot (It is easier if you bring your Chili already warm)
Chili (minimum of 2 gallons...best guess from previous years. Most brought 3 gallons)
1 ounce ladle (or something small to serve with)--remember, it's samples
The library will supply everything else.
If you have any questions email ask@tadl.org or call 231-932-8502.