KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

America's Summer Place: Mackinac Island's Grand Hotel

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Explore, Genealogy/History

Age Group:

Teen, Adults, Seniors
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

If you are captivated by history, grandeur and ambiance, join us as Michigan storyteller and author Mike Fornes shares his legendary knowledge of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Named as a national historic landmark and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places the Grand Hotel has been captured by Hollywood on film, relied upon by politicians and the business community for conferences, and explored by those seeking relaxation and top-notch amenities for everything from weddings to family vacations.  Three generations of one family have cared for Grand Hotel for more than 85 years, inspecting each room before opening, planning constant off-season improvements, and greeting everyday guests with the same welcoming smiles and handshakes that presidents receive.  Come explore this landmark treasure!

Copies of Mackinac Island's Grand Hotel will be available for purchase at the event.

Join us in person or register to join via Zoom HERE to watch at your leisure.