KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Chair Yoga with Peggy

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Program Type:

Health & Wellness

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Program Description

Event Details

Hi! My name is Peggy Williams and I’m a licensed Massage and Osteo-Kinetic therapist as well as a Yoga therapist. I started practicing in 1998. I have extensive training in different approaches to yoga and I’m excited to say that I’ll be Instructing yoga at the library! The classes will focus on restoration. We’ll be doing gentle postures while exploring the “whole” of yoga together and our individual uniqueness. My business is Lakeside Therapeutics located in Fife Lake.

Find me on Facebook: Lakeside Therapeutics

Email: lakesidetherapuetics@gmail.com

Please message me with any questions or to chat!

Also reach out to the Fife Lake Public Library and a staff member can help you.