KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Community Conversations: (Un)Natural Selection with Points North

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Teen, Adults, Seniors
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

Humans have shaped and manipulated the natural world like no other species on earth. Those alterations have helped the planet, hurt it and everything in between. But we’re slow to realize, often taking decades to figure out our impact. 

Join Points North, a biweekly podcast on IPR, for this discussion, based on their recent series, of the interconnected relationship between humans, our ecosystem and the ethical dilemmas that help us determine - are we helping nature or hurting it?

Please register below to join us in person. Click here to register to join us online via Zoom.