KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Introduction to Ham Radio & Short Wave Listening: Cherryland Amateur Radio Club & TADL Sight & Sound

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Program Description

Event Details

Experience the excitement of making contacts by radio with stations thousands of miles away, or through a satellite, with the space station astronauts or just your friend across town. Amateur Radio is on the leading edge of STEAM Education.

The Cherryland Amateur Radio Club and Traverse Area District Library Sight & Sound have partnered to bring real-world applications of STEAM Education to the library users and students in the area. This program is a free Introduction to Amateur Radio. The presentation will give an overview of Ham Radio, the various ways people communicate. There will be actual examples of hams using Morse code, Voice, Slow Scan Television, and digital modes to send signals around the world. 

In addition, there will be radios that you can inspect, listen and ask questions of the Ham Radio Operators in the room. You will leave with a new understanding of this interesting hobby and a list of resources that you can explore further and even listen to any station in any country for free.

The program is free, but we request that you register your intention to be there by email to: Scott Pyles, wx1j@arrl.net