KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Local Author, Robert Burnham: The Armageddon Secret

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Program Type:

Author Events, Discuss

Age Group:

Adults, Seniors
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Program Description

Event Details

One of the most important battles of World War II was fought in a laboratory, not on a battlefield! Germany had liberated nuclear energy years before America started work on the atomic bomb. So how did the planet avoid a Nazi Armageddon? In his new book, “The Armageddon Secret: A Novel Inspired by Actual Events,” Michigan author and forensic engineer Robert Burnham interweaves fact and fiction to give readers a potential explanation for how the world narrowly escaped nuclear destruction at the hands of Hitler. Inspired by actual events, the story centers around real and fictional members of the German anti-Nazi underground called the Black Orchestra, who fearlessly attempted to foil Hitler’s prewar program to develop atomic weaponry outlined in a fast-paced story.

Join us in person in the McGuire Community Room or register HERE to join us via Zoom. You'll be intrigued with the story, his presentation and the amount of research collected to write this amazing historical novel.

About the author
Robert Burnham is a licensed professional forensic engineer with two University of Michigan engineering degrees. He is a member of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers and the National Society of Professional Engineers. In addition to his career as Vice President of Technology and Engineering for several major transportation organizations, he served as a longtime professor of engineering and statistical quality control and is a lifetime student of science, history, and atomic
energy. Burnham is currently completing a sequel to The Armageddon Secret, also revolving around the early phases of atomic bomb development. He resides in Ft. Myers, FL, and Traverse City, MI.