KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Queer Tales Book Club: I'm Special by Ryan O'Connell

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Book Club

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Program Description

Event Details

Join us online for Queer Tales Book Club where we chat about books that are by and/or about LGBTQ+ people. Reading is not required, and everyone is welcome.

We hang out on the last Sunday of the month at 4pm. Register here for the Zoom meeting.

This month's book will be I'm Special by Ryan O'Connell. You can get it on MeLCat or on Hoopla (audiobook).

cover for the book I'm Special by Ryan O'Connell, which has lots of gold stars on it

Summary from The Storygraph:

Now a Netflixseries entitled "Special" from Executive Producer Jim Parsons starring Ryan O'Connell as himself. [...]

Ryan spent years as a Millennial cliche he had dead-end internships; dabbled in unemployment; worked in his pajamas as a blogger; communicated mostly via text; looked for love online; spent hundreds on "necessary" items, like candles, while claiming to have no money; and even descended into aimless pill-popping. But through extensive trial and error, Ryan eventually figured out how to take his life from bleak to chic and began limping towards adulthood.

Sharp and entertaining, I'm Special will educate twentysomethings (or other adolescents-at-heart) on what NOT to do if they ever want to become happy fully functioning grown-ups with a 401k and a dog.


Please register for this Zoom event below: