KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

From Rivers to Trees: Poetry Reading with Teresa Scollon & Terry Blackhawk

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Program Type:

Author Events, Listen, Writing

Age Group:

Adults, Seniors
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Program Description

Event Details

Please join us for a reading of two Michigan poets: Terry Blackhawk and Teresa Scollon. Both poets have new collections from Alice Greene & Co., an independent Ann Arbor publisher that focuses on sustainability and environment. 

Terry Blackhawk is founder and Executive Director (1995-2015) of Detroit’s InsideOut Literary Arts Project (iO), a poets-in-schools program dedicated to encouraging young people to “think broadly, create bravely, and share their voices with the wider world.” Blackhawk is the author of five full-length poetry collections; Maumee, Maumee is her fourth chapbook. 

Teresa Scollon is an educator, poet, and essayist. She is a National Endowment for the Arts fellow, and alumna and former writer-in-residence at Interlochen Arts Academy. She teaches the North Ed Writers Studio at Career Tech in Traverse City and coedits the literary journal Dunes ReviewTrees and Other Creatures is her third poetry collection. 

For more information on the books visit: https://alicegreene.com/publications/

To attend in person in the McGuire Room, please fill out the form below. To register to attend online via Zoom, click here.