Program Description
Event Details
Challenge Island invites your family to join us in STEM WARS with challenges geared around our beloved Droids, Ewoks, and Ships. In our unplugged event, you can design & build your own family droid and give it the personality fitting for your family’s quirkiness. We will be making ewok catapults and trying our skills at our Seize the Stormtrooper Game. We will also be creating our own ships and sending them off into the sky as stomp rockets. What is your fav? …X-Wing, Y- Wing, Tie Fighter, Razor Crest, Star Destroyer, Millennium Falcon? Come enjoy family time while conquering exciting challenges together using only the materials in your treasure chest and the power of your imagination!
Your family may take as much or as little time to complete the challenges as you want.
Signup is limited and starts April 16th.