KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

What Do You See? Quilting with Nancy Bordine

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Arts, Crafts/Games/Hobbies

Age Group:

Youth, Families
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Families are invited to join quilter and author Nancy Bordine for the release of Nancy's new book, "What Do You See? Developing New Perspectives with Quilt Patterns" (Mission Point Press). "What Do You See?" is a colorful picture book featuring a diverse group of children interacting with inspirations for traditional quilt patterns. The book includes adult-led learning activities that give children concrete concepts for developing empathy, appreciation for diversity, critical-thinking skills, creativity, and strategies for being more inclusive.

Nancy Bordine is a retired nurse, healthcare educator, and speaker who grew up at the feet of a grandmother who loved to make quilts. Nancy’s inherited love of quilts
led her to become “The Quilt Lady,” an historical reenactor at her local museum for more than a dozen years. Her favorite times as The Quilt Lady were while presenting quilts, quilt lore, and pioneer living to hundreds of area fourth graders. Of the many learning programs Nancy has designed in her career, she most enjoyed those focused on developing critical-thinking skills and diversity sensitivity.