Reminder - Christmas & New Year

Member library closures (Fife Lake, Interlochen, Peninsula) - please check individual library websites for details.
Join other homeschool families for this parent-led Big Kid Storytime! We encourage kids 4 and up to attend with their caregivers. Movement, music, stories, art, and more!
A grief support group/class will be offered at the East Bay Branch Library on Thursdays from 1-3pm, beginning October 3, 2024.
Visit the East Bay Branch Library while you're at the East Bay Corners Farmers Market! Library staff will be available with a selection of books, a seed library, and various other offerings!
Join this fun teen-led D&D campaign in the Community Room. Typically, we’re playing 5e. Everything you need is provided!
Event is free and open to persons 13-19. For more information, please call the library at 231-263-5484.