Join us for our annual celebration of Making and all things STEAM, PLUS lots of additional great activities and information related to Earth Day. Find all the fun indoors(!) - and perhaps some outdoors. Join us - it's all FREE!
Grand Traverse County Civic Center April 26th, 10 am - 2 pm
Join us at Howe Arena for the latest and greatest celebration of Making and all things STEAM, in combination with our friends from the Recycle Smart Earth Day event! Get ready for a special green edition of the event, including as much upcycling, repurposing, and recycling as possible. (We'll post an event map at the bottom of this page when all the vendors are confirmed.)
In the spirit of Earth Day (and to help make things easy due to parkway construction) we strongly suggest carpooling or using other transportation (like biking or riding BATA). Find the free (hop-on, hop-off) Bayline route here. Add your family name to a leaf and post it on our Earth Tree for traveling green!
Pick up a BINGO card as you enter and be sure to enter into our hourly drawings after you complete 5 squares.
- We are giving away a $50 gift card to Oryana as well as a STEM Kit at the top of each hour (11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm and 2 pm).
- At the TADL 3D table you can sign up to win a wooden frog instrument too!
We would also like to thank our event sponsor, Oryana Community Co-op, for their donation of gift cards for our hourly prizes, as well as food and beverages for our exhibitors.
The concession stand inside the Civic Center, Hangry's, will be open during our event.
Please note - list is subject to change! Links designate event sponsors.
- Littles Area (2 - 6)
- 5toONE / Great Start Northwest Ed
- Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
- The Great Lakes Children's Museum
- TADL Youth Services
- General Area (7 - 100+)
- 1711 Raptor Robotics (TC Central)
- The Beat Lab
- Carter's Compost
- Challenge Island Northwest Michigan
- Cherryland Amateur Radio Club
- Cherryland Ghostbusters (tent.)
- The Dennos Museum
- East Bay Branch Library (TADL)
- Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore
- Goodwill NMI Food Rescue
- Grand Traverse Audubon Club
- Grand Traverse Conservation District
- Grand Traverse County Health Department
- Grand Traverse Historical Weapons Guild
- Grand Traverse Citizens Climate Lobby
- Great Lakes Garrison
- Great Lakes Water Institute
- Groundwork Center
- Inland Seas Education Association
- Michigan Legacy Art Park
- Michigan State University Extension - Leelanau County
- Mini Art
- MiSTEM Network
- Motorized LEGO©s
- NMC Student Green Team
- North Country Trail
- Oryana Community Co-op
- Pebble Pups (youth version of the Grand Traverse Rock Hounds)
- Recycle Smart (Welcome/reception area)
- Ropemaker Joe Simon
- SEEDS Ecology and Education Centers
- TADL - 3D Printing
- TADL - Sight & Sound
- TADL Youth Services
- Traverse City Light & Power
- VegMichigan