Foundation Directory

Foundation Directory by Candid

Foundation Directory Online (FDO) is a fundraising database that gives grant seekers unprecedented access to the largest amount of clean and coded philanthropic data that currently exists. It is a research tool to help nonprofits find the grantmakers most likely to fund their projects. 

**Beginning March 27, 2024:

Grants for Individuals is now streamlined into Foundation Directory.  

  • Candid is a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits serve their communities. We offer Candid’s key tools including GuideStar and Foundation Directory. Our patrons can access GuideStar to research local nonprofits to support and to find services. Nonprofits and individuals seeking funding, scholarships, or fellowships can access Foundation Directory to find and connect with funders.
  • Searching for grants to individuals in Foundation Directory should be simple. This help article outlines the steps to conducting a search.

This database is available at the Main Library Only for everyone. 

Help & Guides

The first video below will give you a general overview of Foundation Directory:


Need hints and tips for Foundation Directory Online?  Check them out HERE. The next video digs a little deeper and shows you how to specifically Navigate Search Results: