KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Braille page with words The Larry Gorton Talking Book Library
2024 NLS Library of the Year Badge

Library of the Year! 

2024 Subregional Library/Advisory and Outreach Center of the Year

National Library Service for the Blind and Print-Disabled - Library of Congress


Upcoming Events

This event is in the "Adults" group.


6:00pm - 7:00pm
Main Library - Traverse City
Library Branch: Main Library - Traverse City
Room: McGuire Community Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Health & Wellness
Event Details:

Join us for an hour of yoga, focusing on stress relief & anxiety. Adaptable for all abilities - suitable for beginners and those with mobility issues.

Sessions generously provided by:

This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Chair Yoga

11:30am - 12:30pm
Adults, Seniors
Main Library - Traverse City
Library Branch: Main Library - Traverse City
Room: McGuire Community Room
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Health & Wellness
Event Details:

Join us and Janet Weaver from Traverse Bay Yoga Therapy for chair yoga. 

This event is in the "Adults" group.
This event is in the "Seniors" group.

Digital Drop-Ins

10:00am - 11:30am
Adults, Seniors
Main Library - Traverse City
Library Branch: Main Library - Traverse City
Room: Reference Desk
Age Group: Adults, Seniors
Program Type: Computers/Tech
Event Details:

Need a little help with your laptop, tablet, or phone? TADL's knowledgeable staff are available to answer your basic questions during this time and can set you up with resources for more information.

Location Details

The Larry Gorton Talking Book Library is located on the first floor of the Main Library in Traverse City. To find it, turn immediately to the right once you are inside the second set of double doors.


Open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Curbside service is available by appointment, please call to schedule 231-932-8558.

Interior Photograph of the Talking Book Library


610 Woodmere Ave.
Traverse City, MI 49686

Get Directions

(231) 932-8558
(877) 931-8558



Services Provided

The Larry Gorton Talking Book Library provides free audio and Braille materials to visually, physically and reading impaired patrons in Grand Traverse, Antrim, Benzie, Kalkaska, Leelanau, Manistee, Missaukee, and Wexford Counties. We also help patrons use assistive technologies like screen readers and mobile devices, and work with area nursing homes and senior organizations to hold outreach events.


If you or someone you know is unable to read standard type print, unable to hold a book in your hands, or has a learning disability like dyslexia that prevents reading, you qualify for this free audio and Braille book service. Administered by the National Library Service, this program is available for people of all ages with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, reading disability or a physical disability that prevents them from reading or holding the printed page.

The Larry Gorton Talking Book Library supports our patrons who qualify and are interested in checking out audiobooks and magazines on cartridge or for download, Braille books and magazines, and descriptive video. Materials are delivered directly to your home through the U.S. Postal Service, postage free. If required, special equipment is provided to you at no charge.

Ask about our braille collection!

Braille uno cards
Braille typewriter
Braille cube and games

BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download)

BARD is a free library service of downloadable braille and audio reading material for those who are unable to read or use standard printed material because of visual,  physical or reading disabilities. 

BARD provides access to thousands of special-format books, magazines, and music scores. The site is password-protected. All files are downloadable as compressed audio or formatted ebraille files. BARD is a partnership between NLS and its network of cooperating libraries. NLS maintains the website, uploads titles, and supplies libraries with circulation statistics.

Three steps to begin using BARD:

Step 1) Become an NLS patron.

Step 2) Register for BARD. Access the instructions to do so at the NLS website: https://nlsbard.loc.gov/login/NLS, OR call or email Anita Chouinard at Traverse Area District Library. You can also call us at 231-932-8558 or 1-877-931-8558.

When asked which application you would like to fill out, you will want the Individual Application. Then, the library you will choose is the MI- Grand Traverse Area Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Traverse City, Michigan).

Step 3) Get a device that will play the books. You can get a free talking-book player on long-term loan from your network library, buy a commercial model on your own if there are features you prefer, or download the free app to your smart device. BARD Mobile is available at the App Store for iOS or the Play Store or Amazon Appstore for Android.

How to sign up for Talking Book Library Services

To get started, fill out a Talking Book Library application, which you can download by clicking on the following link: 

This application is not the same as a Traverse Area District Library card application. Fill out the application and have it certified by a Talking Book Library librarian, or a doctor, nurse, therapist, teacher, social worker or other individual who is qualified to sign (see application for details). Then, either mail, email or hand-deliver your application to:

Traverse Area District Library
The Larry Gorton Talking Book Library
610 Woodmere Ave.
Traverse City, MI 49686


  • BARD: Braille and Audio Reading Download (Edit) Service from the National Library Service

    Service from the National Library Service

  • Lions Club District 11-E1 (Edit) Lions clubs are recognized for their service to people who are blind and visually impaired, hearing impaired, or diabetic.

    Lions clubs are recognized for their service to people who are blind and visually impaired, hearing impaired, or diabetic.  Please visit the District website to find the Lions Club closest to you.

  • Michigan Braille and Talking Book Library Catalog (Edit) The On-Line Public Access Catalog (OPAC) provides complete access to information about every book available through the Michigan Network of Regional and Subregional Libraries with the exception of those held in Wayne County. Anyone can browse the OPAC.

    The On-Line Public Access Catalog (OPAC) provides complete access to information about every book available through the Michigan Network of Regional and Subregional Libraries with the exception of those held in Wayne County. Anyone can browse the OPAC.

  • National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (Edit) Through a national network of cooperating libraries (including TADL’s Talking Book Library), NLS administers a free library program of braille and audio materials circulated to eligible borrowers in the United States by postage-free mail.

    Library of Congress
    Washington, DC 20542-4962
    Phone: 800-424-8567
    E-mail: nls@loc.gov

    Through a national network of cooperating libraries (including TADL’s Talking Book Library), NLS administers a free library program of braille and audio materials circulated to eligible borrowers in the United States by postage-free mail.

  • State of Michigan Braille and Talking Book Library (Edit) Provides library service for individuals unable to use standard print materials.

    PO Box 3007
    Lansing, MI 48909-7507
    Phone: 800-992-9012
    E-mail: BTBL@michigan.gov

    Provides library service for individuals unable to use standard print materials.

  • State of Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (Edit) If you live in Michigan and you're blind or visually impaired, the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons will work with you to define your goals and identify appropriate training and other services.

    Grand Rapids Office
    State Office Building, 4th Floor
    350 Ottawa Ave., N.W.
    Grand Rapids, MI  49503
    Karyn Silky, CRV, VRT
    Certified Rehabilitation Counselor/Teacher
    Phone: 616-356-0185
    E-mail: silkyk@michigan.gov

    If you live in Michigan and you're blind or visually impaired, the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons will work with you to define your goals and identify appropriate training and other services. Funded by federal and state taxes, BSBP provides counseling and training in skills for daily living without vision. Depending upon your needs and eligibility for specific services, BSBP may also provide some types of adaptive equipment, computer software, and postsecondary education.