KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Advance Care Planning

Primary tabs

Program Type:


Age Group:

Adults, Seniors
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

You’ve probably heard these three words – advance care planning – and perhaps wondered about the process. If so, do yourself and your loved ones a big favor by attending this program! You’ll not only learn what advance care planning is, but why it matters and how to go about it.

Stephanie Van Slyke, a Certified Advance Care Planning Facilitator from Munson Medical Center will talk about completing advance directive or durable power of attorney for healthcare and designation of a patient advocate. So many community members do not have an advance plan which can be difficult for everyone involved. Many family members also struggle to make decisions on behalf of a loved one, thus having a trusted patient advocate can be very important. Having an advance directive in place at any age, regardless of your current health status is key as no one can predict what will happen in any given day. 

This program on April 6 and the one on April 14 will be the same program, just different days to fit your schedule better  You may also join us via Zoom by registering HERE.