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Local Government in Michigan: What is it? How did we get here? What's next? LWV-GTA & TADL

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Age Group:

Adults, Seniors, Families
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Program Description

Event Details

The LWVGTA, in partnership with the Traverse Area District Library (TADL) and Traverse Area Community Media (TACM), will present a program focused on the powers and responsibilities of local government in Michigan.

Mr. John Amrhein, a governance educator with Michigan State University Extension’s Government and Community Vitality Team, will be the presenter.

The program can be attended in several ways:

  • In person at the Traverse Area District Library
  • LWVGTA Facebook page: facebook.com/lwvgta
  • TADL YouTube @TADLnotjustbooks           LIVE LINK
  • Community TV Channel 189 with Spectrum TV in northwest lower Michigan

The program will focus on the various levels of local government in Michigan, their responsibilities and powers, and the history that will give us some insight into how this structure came about. Special focus will be given to counties and the interesting structure of county government. Mr. Amrhein says “your typical organizational chart does not apply ..and there might be some good reasons for that!” Mr. Amrhein teaches and consults on topics related to extraordinary governance with non-profits and local governments, primarily in northern lower Michigan. He is based in the Grand Traverse County MSU Extension office. Mr. Amrhein has been a co-leader of MSUE’s governmental education program for nearly 25 years. His prior experience includes nonprofit organization management, agriculture and broadcasting. He holds a BA and MBA from MSU.

The LWV is a national, nonpartisan organization whose main mission is to empower and inform voters and to defend democracy. The League neither endorses nor opposes candidates or parties, but encourages the informed and active participation of all citizens in government. The League works to
increase public understanding of public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The website of the local league is www.lwvgta.org.