KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Tuesdays @ Two Book Club

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Program Type:

Book Club

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Program Description

Event Details

Do you like to read or listen to audiobooks across all genres? Do you like to talk about books, or just listen? Join the Tuesdays @ Two book discussion group on the last Tuesday of each month from 2pm to 3pm in the McGuire Room. We encourage a mix of Talking Book Library and public library patrons!

The book selection this month is: : "The woman they could not silence" by Kate Moore  DB 108016

Book cover for The woman they could not silence

Summery: 1860: As the clash between the states rolls slowly to a boil, Elizabeth Packard, housewife and mother of six, is facing her own battle. The enemy sits across the table and sleeps in the next room. Threatened by Elizabeth's intellect, independence, and outspokenness, her husband of twenty-one years is plotting against her and makes a plan to put her back in her place. One summer morning, he has her committed to an insane asylum. The horrific conditions inside the Illinois State Hospital in Jacksonville, Illinois, are overseen by Dr. Andrew McFarland, a man who will prove to be even more dangerous to Elizabeth than her traitorous husband. But most disturbing is that Elizabeth is not the only sane woman confined to the institution. There are many rational women on her ward who tell the same story: they've been committed not because they need medical treatment, but to keep them in line-conveniently labeled "crazy" so their voices are ignored.