KBL Closure

Kingsley Branch Library will be CLOSED for remodeling March 23 - April 6. 

Yoga For Arthritis

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Explore, Health & Wellness

Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

The Library of Michigan and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services are partnering to support the ability of older Michigan residents to access live, online virtual classes on a variety of topics through GetSetUp.

Yoga has an integrated approach, providing techniques to address the problems of all aspects of the stressed fast lifestyle of the individuals.

It includes the sukshama vyama, loosening exercises, Asanas - which help to reduce stiffness of joints, & to strengthen the muscles.

It helps to give deep relaxation & rest to joints.

When you register, make sure you sign up first.  The classes are free using code:  MICHIGANHEALTH when registering.